Galveston Closes Beaches For July 4th Holiday
If you were planning a trip to Galveston for the holiday weekend, it's time to enact those alternate plans.

The City Of Galveston announced today (July 1st) that it will be closing its' beaches for the upcoming holiday due to concerns over the spread of COVID-19. With the announcement that all public beaches within the Galveston city limits would be closed for the busy July 4th holiday weekend, the city will also not allow any parking along either side of Seawall Boulevard. The closures will be in effect beginning at 5 a.m. on Friday, July 3rd and last until 12:01 a.m. on Monday, July 6th.
After signing a city executive order, Galveston's Mayor Jim Yarbrough said,
At this time, based on the current health situation and the guidance of medical professionals, I do not feel it is prudent or responsible to have thousands of visitors descending on Galveston beaches. Galveston has and always will be a welcoming destination, but the ongoing public health crisis demands our attention and response. We have to prioritize health and safety."
Although the beaches will be closed and there will be no parking along Seawall Blvd. and Boddeker Drive, residents and tourists will still be able to use the sidewalk for exercising purposes only.
This decision came with much deliberation and consideration of the status of the health system in and around Galveston. The number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase in the state and hospital ER and ICU's are nearing capacity in some Houston area hospitals.
During this time, we all must take precautions to not only protect ourselves but those around us too. During this holiday weekend as you gather with your friends and family remember to follow social distancing guidelines and maintain a 6 foot perimeter around yourself. Wear gloves when possible and wear a mask while in public spaces.
Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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