In Grand Saline, TX it's being viewed as a deterrent to to anyone looking to harm students at Grand Saline ISD. Today Micah Lewis, Superintendent at GSISD, sent a stern warning to anyone looking to hurt their kids by announcing the school district's "Guardian Plan."

Lewis revealed in the release that only certain staff members will be armed. He emphasized that those who are armed have gone through high-stress situation training and that they will be continuing their training into the future.

Another important part of the Guardian Plan, as I'm sure many of you are wondering, "The Guardians," as the armed teachers are being referred to as, "will always have their weapon on their person and it will never be stored at school."

There are a lot of pros and cons to this debate, two of them being:

"Armed teachers and staff would allow a quicker response when school attacks occur. 69% of all active shooter incidents end in 5 minutes or less. (FBI) Having someone on scene to respond immediately is critical to addressing the shooter," from Thread Weekly.

ARMING TEACHERS IS MORE LIKELY TO INCREASE DANGER IN SCHOOLS THAN INCREASE SAFETY. Greater access to guns in schools will likely increase lethal violence due to availability bias. We’d be increasing the risk of accidental and inappropriate weapon discharge on a regular basis in the name of protecting against very rare instances of active shooters. (Brookings Institution)

The National Center for Education Statistics reports that between 2000 and 2017 there were 37 active shooter incidents at elementary and secondary schools and 15 active shooter incidents at post-secondary schools.

According to the Indicators of School Crime Safety report, “active shooter incidents are a rare occurrence and represent a small subset of the possible violent incidents that occur at schools.” The annual number of active shooter incidents at elementary and secondary schools ranged from 0 to 6 per year during this 2000 to 2017 time span.

It's a lot to take in. And of course we all have our children's safety as the top priority. You can read Superintendent Lewis's full statement below. Then let us know what you think. Is this something that you think the entire state of Texas should look into?

Dear Grand Saline ISD parents, students, teachers, and community,

Our number one goal for our students in Grand Saline ISD is for them to have a safe and secure environment conducive to learning. I believe GSISD is the best school in Texas to raise children and get a great education. As an added layer of safety, the GSISD Board of Trustees and administration have decided to implement the Guardian Plan. In this plan, certain staff members will be carrying a concealed weapon. We believe this will serve as a deterrent to someone trying to harm our students, but if harmful action is taken against our students we have several staff members prepared to stop the threat

The decision to arm staff members was not taken lightly. We have been in the planning phase for over two years. Those carrying have been trained in high-stress situations and will continue their training into the future. The Guardians will always have their weapon on their person and it will never be stored at school. We have worked with our local law enforcement to ensure the utmost safety for them, our Guardians, staff, and students. As always, I thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of your child’s educational journey! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.

Micah Lewis
Grand Saline ISD

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