Half Cent Sales Tax Annual Open House is Tomorrow
Curious where your tax dollars are going in Tyler? Learn more at the Half Cent Sales Tax Open House tomorrow. This is your opportunity for input.
The Half Cent Sales Tax call for projects is open now, and runs through March 31. This projects call provides the citizens of Tyler, community leaders, the Half Cent Sales Tax Corporation Board, Tyler City Council, and City of Tyler staff the opportunity to bring capital projects forward to be considered for Half Cent Sales Tax funding.
An open house will be held to gather public input on Wednesday, March 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Tyler Development Center Large Conference Room located at 423 W. Ferguson Street, 75702.
Staff from each of the funded categories including; Police, Fire, Parks, Airport, Traffic, Engineering and Drainage will be available to talk with the public and gather data for potential future half-cent funded projects.
“If residents have an idea for a project, now is the time to share it,” said Carter Delleney, City engineer. “We receive public input from a variety of sources. The call for projects open house makes it easier for project suggestions to be made."
The City of Tyler collects half-cent sales tax revenue and utilizes it to fund capital improvement projects. Expenditures of the fund include, but are not limited to, administrative costs, right-of-way acquisition costs, design costs, and construction costs.
Previous projects constructed include the Glass Recreation Center, Faulkner Park Police Station, the ongoing construction of Cumberland Road Extension, multiple Fire Stations, Park improvements, and a yearly Asphalt Pavement Enhancement program. This will be the fifth annual open house for the Half Cent Sales Tax program.
“Last year we added an online form our community can use to request new projects for consideration,” said Delleney. “The link to the form can be found on the City of Tyler’s webpage under Engineering Services. Those wishing to utilize this form can select Half Cent Sales Tax on the left side of the page, then select the Submit Project icon.”
For more information, contact Carter Delleney, P.E. or Sam Brady at 903-531-1126.
Check out views of Downtown Tyler in the aerial video below.
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