Any Of These 12 Longview Restaurants Fail Their Last Inspection?
When it comes to dining out in Longview, Texas, or picking up meats or cheeses at the local grocery store or deli we want to be assured that the food we purchase is safe to consume. Enter the local health inspector. This team of individuals is tasked to make sure the food that is prepared is safe for consumers and to assign them a letter grade.
Running a restaurant or deli is not an easy job. Foods have to be handled and prepared a certain way. Once prepared they have to be held at certain temperatures and cannot rise or fall below a certain degree or it could become harmful to the consumer. Kitchen managers must constantly be aware of this fact and train their employees on this as well.
The Longview Health Inspectors make regular rounds to restaurants, nursing facilities, hospitals, schools, hotels, and convenience stores to make sure the establishment and those running it are following proper health procedures. These procedures do not only pertain to food safety but to the personal hygiene of the staff and sanitary conditions around the restaurant as well.
If a restaurant receives a failing grade the health inspector has the authority to close the restaurant until the infractions are corrected and cleaned up. This is something that any restaurant manager doesn't want to see happen.
The Longview Health inspectors released details from their latest inspections and in this report, it is all good news. No restaurants had to be shut down in this reporting period. They weren't all perfect scores though, so some places had a couple of things to work on with their staff.