Need to Brush Up on Your Computer Skills? There’s a Class for That
The Tyler Public Library is offering a basic computer skills class on the first and third Saturday of each month from 9 to 10 a.m.
The class is free, but registration is required. Tyler Public Library is providing these classes to meet the ever growing need for computer literacy in our community. With many job applications and school registration forms online, citizens need access to computers, and the skills to use them.
Topics discussed in the class will include, keyboarding, using the mouse, internet search, email and job search. Access Librarian Connie Greer says, "This is a great opportunity for beginners to utilize who may need one-on-one guidance at no extra cost."
To register for the class visit TylerLibrary.com, call 903-593-7232, or visit the Tyler Public Library in person at 201 S. College Ave. in Downtown Tyler.
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