There is no excuse for behavior like you see in the video below. We are talking about grown adults that deal with something frustrating and instead of dealing with it like a normal person they resort to violence. While the video does have a lot of foul language you might not want to watch this around kids or at work. As you will see in the video a man is furious after leaving a piece of equipment in the road and it was run over, the owner then approached the vehicle and punches through the glass on the driver's side window. 

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To be honest I was shocked at how easily the glass shattered when the man punched it. I know I wasn’t alone in thinking that because many people said the same thing in the comment section. Normally glass for vehicles can withstand a lot of force but this man with one punch was able to destroy the window.  

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What Item Was Destroyed to Make the Man Furious? 

I had to watch the video a few times before I could understand that it was a pressure washing wand that was run over which caused the man to get angry. While I understand this guy probably pays his bills by pressure washing and now he has to buy a new want to make money, throwing punches over a piece of equipment is not a good solution. 

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Charges Will Be Filed 

After the window was smashed the lady driving the vehicle zooms in on the man's truck license plate which I am sure she will be taking to law enforcement. She states in the video that the broken glass caused cuts on her. So, this little annoyance is now going to be a whole lot worse. Here is the video so you can watch for yourself:  

Check Out These 27 Weird Laws Still on the Books in the State of Texas

If you go through any state's law book, you're going to find some very strange laws that are just plain weird but still enforceable no matter how ridiculous. 

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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