It's no secret we live in a commercialized society. Money is involved in almost every aspect of our lives on a daily basis. Black Friday is a perfect example. It's the day stores can practically hit their yearly sales goals in one or two days, thanks to some extreme sales that are surely to bring out the masses to save a few bucks.

Black Friday mobs, fights and the extremes people will go to in order to be as close as they can to the front of the line as possible has steadily gotten worse over the years.

Well, as expected, it's reached a new level low already in 2013.

A few people in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (I thought it only existed in the movie "Tommy Boy," but I digress) pitched their tents in front of the local Best Buy on Monday (Nov. 20).

For you math majors, that's 10 days before Best Buy's first sales open at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

Beside the fact a national holiday has been ruined thanks to the commercialized nature of our society and our ever-growing need for excess (we're all guilty of it), 10 days out is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Take this into account: If these whack jobs are about to spend the money for all the items they want at Best Buy on Thanksgiving morning, they've either got jobs or some pretty sweet limits on their credit cards. But let's assume they have jobs. That means they are taking nearly two weeks of vacation for the sake of a shopping sale at Best Buy. 

28-year-old Jonas Allooh was first in line on Monday at this particular Best Buy. The next day, the man who was first in line in 2012 had pitched his tent behind him.

For the sake of full disclosure, I used to be that Black Friday guy. Back when stores would open at 6 or 7 a.m. Friday morning, I was the one who had no problem going at 11 p.m. or midnight to get a six- or seven-hour head start.

And it wasn't so long ago I set up my chair in front of the door at Best Buy in Tyler at 11 p.m. Thanksgiving night for a 6 a.m. opening, and I was first in line. Drivers came by and asked how long I had been there, calling me crazy for being so willing to stand in line seven hours for a sale. TV cameras showed up, asking for interviews. People who arrived for the sales after me told me I was crazier than they were for getting in line that early.

That was seven hours in advance. Jonas Allooh in Ohio will be waiting about 240 hours for the doors to open -- more than 30 times longer than I waited.

I'll never forget the last year I went to a Black Friday sale. I remember leaving my grandparents' house at 3 p.m. Thanksgiving Day to get in line with my friends by 3:30 for a 5 a.m. opening at Best Buy.

We got to the store and were about 30 people back in line. Later that night, it began pouring down rain here in Tyler. We sat in our chairs, freezing, trying to get relief under a tree with dozens of other people ... and we still had hours to go before the store opened.

The irony is I don't even remember what I bought that year. But I do remember leaving my family on Thanksgiving Day.

Here are two pieces of advice for Mr. Allooh and anyone else going to the extreme to save money for the sake of Christmas presents or self-presents:

1. It's not worth it. It's really not.

2. If you think it is, try the Internet. It's a thing now.

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