They are there to light the way and most of the time you don't even notice them until they're out. I'm talking about streetlights.

They line our streets and highways and hang over the roadway to illuminate the roads and intersections throughout Tyler and East Texas every single night to make driving and walking along the street a bit safer.

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Unless you're out after 8 o'clock or so right now, you're probably not noticing them as often thanks to Daylight Saving Time, but when the time changes on Sunday, November 5th and it starts getting darker earlier you're going to be counting on them a little bit more. Your trip home around the loop, down Paluxy, Front St., Gentry will be lit thanks to street lights, that's if they're not burned out.

Growing up, the streetlights in my neighborhood had a different meaning to me as a kid.

The streetlights in my neighborhood were actually a clock! When the streetlight came on it meant I better get back on my bike and get home and get home quick because I was supposed to be inside before the streetlight came on.

So, how do you get a burned-out or inoperable streetlight replaced or repaired?

I happened to stumble across the site online where you can report a streetlight that isn't working and in a few steps, it'll notify Oncor. In Tyler, Oncor is responsible for all the streetlights. To report a burned-out streetlight, simply follow these quick steps:

  • Log on to
  • Zoom into the street and intersection that has the streetlight problem
  • Click on it's yellow dot
  • Give the reason for the issue
  • Leave a contact name
  • submit

The whole process is really simple. What's interesting about the extremely interactive map is that it's so specific and shows you exactly where all the streetlights and guard lights are in the Oncor service area around Tyler. Once you see all the yellow and blue dots on the map you realize how many streetlights are around your neighborhood.

So if you notice a streetlight that isn't working, you can easily report it and watch that little yellow dot on the map turn red as you report it!

Stay Away From Tyler's 15 Most Accident Prone Intersections and Streets

While vehicle accidents can occur wherever we drive, there are certain areas in Tyler that seem to have a higher number of traffic accidents than others. The following is a gallery of 15 Tyler intersections that had the most accidents in 2021 according to Tyler Police Department data.

Are You Parking Like These Entitled People In Tyler, TX?

It seems like parking has become a challenge for Tyler drivers. I'm pretty sure it's not just Tyler drivers though that can't really park. Ya know, parking isn't really that hard of a thing to accomplish, just stay within the middle of the lines and you'll be good. Here are some examples of high-quality parking we've seen around town.

An Amazing Look At 10 Texas Ghost Towns That Once Stood Proud

These Texas towns once boasted a healthy population with a thriving economy, but along the way, something drastic happened within the town causing its population decline and slow death and eventually becoming a Texas ghost town.'

If you do go on an adventure and seek out these ghost towns, please do it safely. If you go on a journey into the woods please have the landowner's permission to do so or you could be prosecuted for trespassing. Above all, be careful, courteous, and inquisitive.

EDIT: This was originally published August 2022. 

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