Summer 2020 Vacation Essentials
We're half the way through the summer of 2020, but there's still plenty of time to squeeze in a quick getaway.
I know vacation plans have drastically changed thanks to the pandemic, but there is still time for you to enjoy some time with your family with a little getaway, even if it means doing a few things around here. Like taking a ride aboard the Texas State Railroad, going on a safari adventure to Cherokee Trace Drive Thru Safari or just heading to Splash Kingdom Water Park. These are all fun activities I know because my family and I have done them all and each one of them creates different special memories.

Before the pandemic broke out, we had already planned our annual pilgrimage to Colorado. Flights booked, cabin booked, rental car booked and all before the big lockdown too. Now that we're living in a pandemic world, we plan on going through with our plans even if it means ditching the flight and driving to Colorado. It's our annual getaway from the Texas heat! After the rains this week and seeing that we'll be flirting with triple digits this coming weekend, we're ready.
Seeing how the pandemic has changed the travel world, we're all going to need the following travel essentials, even if it's a quick trip to the Cotton Belt Depot Train Museum in downtown Tyler.
Travel Essentials
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