britain's got talent

Dancers Use Their Shadows To Mesmerize Britain’s Got Talent Judges [VIDEO]
Dancers Use Their Shadows To Mesmerize Britain’s Got Talent Judges [VIDEO]
Dancers Use Their Shadows To Mesmerize Britain’s Got Talent Judges [VIDEO]
It's time for a confession. I'm somewhat of a reality show addict. And since I've seen basically everything out there, it's hard to impress me. Recently though I found a video from a recent episode of Britain's Got Talent that left me absolutely speechless. It was one of the most artistic and beautiful things that I have ever seen.
Dancer Busts Out Cool Matrix Moves on Britain’s Got Talent
Dancer Busts Out Cool Matrix Moves on Britain’s Got Talent
Dancer Busts Out Cool Matrix Moves on Britain’s Got Talent
We know that many special effects that we see in movies are CG (computer generated) because they cannot be done in reality. Along comes Razy Gogonea on Britain's Got Talent. You can tell that not only does Razy love to dance, but he is a big fan of the Matrix trilogy...