The Urgent Search Is On To Fill Positions At East Texas SchoolsThe Urgent Search Is On To Fill Positions At East Texas SchoolsArea school districts are looking for more than just teachers to fill these open positions.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
And The Highest Rated High Schools In Texas And East Texas Are...And The Highest Rated High Schools In Texas And East Texas Are...A new report ranks the best high schools in Texas and East Texas.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
One Texas Mom Has Gone Viral With Her ‘How-To’ School Drop Off TutorialOne Texas Mom Has Gone Viral With Her ‘How-To’ School Drop Off TutorialListen, you're not the only one who is getting frustrated in the car pool drop off lane.Buddy LoganBuddy Logan
See What A New Hubbard Middle School IN Tyler Would Look LikeSee What A New Hubbard Middle School IN Tyler Would Look LikeWill this actually happen? Well, there is an $89 million bond proposal being considered and you'll see it on the ballot come May 7. Tara HolleyTara Holley