Texas’ Fourth Of July Fireworks Selling Season Opens June 24th
Fireworks are just as much part of the July 4th celebration is as hot dogs, potato salad and a day at the pool! The grills will be fired up July 4th weekend and on July 4th as we grill those burgers and dogs to celebrate the birth of the United States of America. When we begin to digest all of the food from the gathering with our friends and family and the sun goes down, our eyes turn up to the skies for the firework shows!
If you're not going to one of the big produced shows, you can put on your own fireworks show in your backyard - given that it's legal to do where you live! Most cities have ordinances banning the use of fireworks, while those in the county aren't restricted. You'll want to check your local ordinance to make sure or you could be facing a hefty fine!
Firework stands and shops are popping up all around East Texas, because they are getting ready for the July 4th selling season. You can purchase fireworks from stands in Texas from June 24th through July 4th. These stands are filled with all kinds of things that will light up the dark East Texas sky for July 4th! There's fountains, rockets, sparklers, aerial shots, roman candles, smoke bombs. fire crackers and more for you to create your own fireworks show for you and you family and friends.
Remember, play safe around fireworks because they can cause serious injuries. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July with your friends and family!
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