Nothing is more important to new parents in Texas than naming their baby. Some try to break generational name norms and pick from a baby name generator.

I am glad my parents and grandparents didn't just slap a Jr. on the end of my name, but I am always slightly envious of generational names and would have been just as happy if I were Daniel Patrick III.

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If you have noticed naming trends and want to name your child something interesting that will help them go far in life, you have to do it just right. BabyCenter has lots of resources to help name your child.

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They started noticing some of the most popular names of the past 10 years falling out of fashion. They recently put out their list of "Baby Names At Risk Of Going Extinct" and many interesting names are falling out of favor with new parents.

Texas Follows Trends When It Comes To Naming Their Children

According to the Social Security Administration, the top name in Texas for a boy in 2023 was Liam, and for a girl, it was Emma. Not everyone here is naming their babies Cody or Rainey.

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Names frequently come and go from the list of popular baby names. Not a lot of people named their children Charles or Richard in 2024.

Like those names, everything has a season, and the following 10 girl and 10 boy names are going out of style faster than your Shein order from last month.

Look: Archaic Baby Names On The Way Out In 2025

According to Baby Center, these names are falling out of fashion. Naming your baby any of these things might make them seem older than they are in later life. Here are the top 10 girl and boy names on the verge of extinction. Source:

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick

LOOK: Baby names losing popularity in the 21st century

Stacker took a look at the names losing popularity in the 21st century, using data from the Social Security Administration.

Gallery Credit: Stacker







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