Puppies are cute. Puppies are funny. Puppies are loving. Puppies are mischievous!

My puppy is all of the above, but also in trouble at the same time!

Last night my daughter was working on something for school, which involved using a highlighter. Well, we took a break to eat dinner and while we were doing that our puppy got a hold of the pink highlighter and went and hid under our bed.

She wasn't exactly hiding from us because she was in trouble; she went under the bed to eat the pink highlighter!

When she came back out to the living room for seconds to get the yellow highlighter, that's when my wife noticed her new temporary tattoos. The puppy had basically eaten the pink highlighter.

The dog's paws were covered, her stomach was pink, there was a pink line on her back leg, more pink in between the pads of her feet and a little mark that looked like she was trying to put on lipstick on her mouth!

After investigating where this all happened, we found out it was underneath our bed! I had to remove the mattress and box springs to attempt to clean the carpet, but that didn't work. Our carpet will forever have pink highlighter ink in it.

I couldn't really get on to the dog because her memory is so short she wouldn't have known what she was being punished for. Thankfully our puppy classes begin tonight!

She's starting to lose her puppy teeth and her permanent ones are coming in so she's been doing a lot of chewing lately, but she has plenty of toys for distractions but apparently we have to watch her constantly right now.

What's been the craziest or most destructive thing your puppy has done in your home? Let me know by leaving your story in the comment section below.

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