To the Curb, or Not to the Curb? Holiday Garbage Collection
It's the ever present question with an upcoming holiday, will my trash collection run on the regularly scheduled day... ?
All non-essential offices will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan 21. Here's what to expect for the various offices and trash collection schedules.
City Hall
City Hall offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21.
Solid Waste
The Tyler Solid Waste office will be closed Monday, Jan. 21.
The Tyler Recycle Center will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21. The collection schedule is as follows:
Holiday GARBAGE Collection
Monday, Jan. 21: NO COLLECTION
Tuesday, Jan. 22: Routes normally collected Monday
Wednesday, Jan. 23: Routes normally collected Tuesday
Thursday, Jan. 24: Regular Collection
Friday, Jan. 25: Regular Collection
Holiday Curbside RECYCLE Collection
Monday, Jan. 21: NO COLLECTION
Tuesday, Jan. 22: Recycle Routes normally collected on THIS Monday (Route 5-1)
Wednesday, Jan. 23: Recycle Routes normally collected on THIS Tuesday (Route 5-3)
Thursday, Jan. 24: Regular Collection
Friday, Jan. 25: Regular Collection
Yard waste of any kind including brush, tree limbs or bags of leaves will NOT be picked up during the holiday week. Only household garbage will be picked up. To reduce the chance of animals or weather scattering trash, please do not set garbage carts out before 6 p.m. on the day before the scheduled collection day. Per Sec. 16-4 ordinance, garbage carts must be removed by 7 a.m. the morning after the scheduled collection day.
For information about changes to garbage collection schedules, recycling and other special projects, visit TylerSolidWaste.com or download the Tyler Talks Trash app and never miss a pick-up.
Tyler Pounds Regional Airport
Tyler Pounds Regional Airport administrative offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 21.
Customers should contact their airline or check the Airport website at FlyTYR.com for special holiday travel schedules.
Tyler Public Library
The Tyler Public Library will be closed Monday, Jan. 21.
For more information regarding the Library, please call (903) 593-READ (7323) or visit TylerLibrary.com. The Library is located at 201 S. College Ave. in Downtown Tyler.
Tyler Transit Schedule
Tyler Transit and Paratransit will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21.
Bus stop times, maps and route information can be found on the Transit website at tylerbus.org.
Tyler Innovation Pipeline
Tyler Innovation Pipeline will be closed Monday, Jan. 21.
Municipal Court
The Municipal Court will be closed Monday, Jan. 21.
Tyler Animal Services
The Animal Shelter will be closed to the public on Monday, Jan. 21.
Gallery Main Street
Gallery Main Street will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21.
Tyler Parks and Recreation
The Tyler Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 21. These facilities include Parks administration, the Tyler Senior Center, the Glass Recreation Center, the Goodman Le-Grand Museum and the Tyler Rose Garden Center.
Tyler Water Utilities
The Water Business Office will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21. The kiosk at the drive through offers 24/7 access for water utility customers with its ability to accept check, money order, credit/debit cards and cash payments. Those choosing to pay with cash should be aware that no change will be given.
Anyone wishing to make a payment may also use one of two available drop boxes. One box is located in front of the Water Business Office at 511 W. Locust St. The other is a drive-up box located in the Brookshire's parking lot on the corner of South Broadway Avenue and Rice Road. Payments will be credited on the next business day. Please do not drop cash into these boxes.
Payments may also be made online at CityofTyler.org, over the phone by calling (903) 531-1230 or at one of many businesses in Tyler that accept water utility payments. For a list of participating businesses, please visit the City’s website.
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