Watch Out, Wrecks At These Tyler Intersections Make Them Dangerous
At times traffic in Tyler, Texas seems to be worse than driving along Central Expressway or on Interstate 635 in Dallas, Texas, or the Beltway in Houston, Texas. Too much traffic, too many traffic lights and the lack of overpasses cause many issues on Tyler streets.
One thing many Tyler drivers have noticed over the past few years is the number of red-light runners. It seems as if more and more people are ignoring the yellow light and continuing to blow through the intersection after the light turns red. It's not just red light runners some don't come to a complete stop at a stop sign.
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In 2023, more than 5000 accidents were called into the Tyler Police Department. Ranging from a minor accident to major accidents to hit and runs, Tyler Police were busy in 2023. Of the 5000 reported accidents, 1111 of them were major accidents, according to the information released by the Tyler Police Department.

With as much traffic that flows through Tyler daily, it is hard to avoid many of these roads and intersections that saw many of these accidents happen. There are things you can do though while behind the wheel to increase your chances of not being involved in an accident.
- Slow down - go the speed limit
- Watch for cross traffic - whether at a stop light, stop sign or someone pulling out of a shopping center or residential driveway
- Traffic lights and signals - although it's green, proceed through with caution
- Avoid distractions - phone calls, texts, eating, putting on make-up, adjusting the radio - just leave your radio on Mix 93-1 all the time!
READ MORE: When are you breaking Texas law when the light turns red?
There are numerous reasons why these Tyler intersections and streets saw so many accidents in 2023, including:
- High number of vehicles - just a lot of traffic on a particular road
- Poor visibililty - due to weather conditions or the design of an intersection due to terrain
- Risky turning into traffic - we see this alot, drivers pulling out of a business driveway in front of others going speed limit and having to quickly stop
- Reckless driving - speeding, changing lanes, merging, road raging
Being more alert while traveling along S. Broadway, around Loop 323, or on any street in Tyler will go a long way to keep you from being a part of this statistic for 2024.
Watch Out, Wrecks At These Tyler Intersections Make Them Dangerous
Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1
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