(Tyler, Texas) - You always hear the talk around Tyler about the hidden wealth in the city. Some of that is from those families who benefitted from the oil boom a couple of generations ago and let their money grow since then. Some of it is from those who needed a slower pace of life compared to the Dallas - Fort Worth or Houston area but still work there.

Other parts of that money comes from home grown success. We have many locally owned businesses that have thrived for decades and have grown the wealth of several families. While Tyler and East Texas isn't the richest part of Texas, or the nation, a new study has revealed that Tyler, especially, provides a nice home for those in the middle class.

Tyler and Other Texas Cities Have a Growing Middle Class According to New Study

MoneyGeek conducted a recent study of over 600 cities across the United States to determine where the middle class is growing the most. They measured the growth of income of those 600 plus cities between 2018 and 2023. They found six Texas cities where the middle class is growing and thriving.

Coming in at number three overall in the U.S., and number one in Texas, is League City. They saw a 8.2% growth in middle income households between 2018 and 2023 with 47.5% of their population as middle class. Tyler ranked number 18 overall in the U.S. for middle class growth, number 4 in Texas, with a 5.5% growth and 44.8% of the population in the middle class.

Big Texas Cities Didn't Fair So Well

What's great about this study is that the six Texas cities at the top of this list have a population no larger than 121,000. San Antonio came in at number 57 overall in the U.S. on this list while Dallas, Houston and Austin didn't even rank.

It's no surprise that Tyler would be on this list. All you have to do is drive around town and see the continued development of business areas and new neighborhoods in the city.

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