Tyler Police Officer Shane Jasper Featured in Video Humanizing Local Cops
For the past few years, we've all seen police portrayed in less than favorable ways by segments of society, including some high profile community leaders, politicians, & even a few media pundits.
The vast majority of people across the USA, especially here in East Texas, support law enforcement and recognize that those negative police characterizations are not accurate. That's why it's great to see the City of Tyler shine a spotlight on one of their own men in blue: 19-year veteran Officer Shane Jasper.
Officer Jasper knows firsthand about the good things police officers do on a daily basis to keep the community safe & help people when they truly need it. He also understands why that isn't the impression a few citizens have when it comes to the police. Officer Jasper's message is simple: "people can trust the police". We're happy to share Tyler's special salute to Officer Shane Jasper. Take a look.