What Are The Odds That You’ll Have An Accident With A Deer This Year?
East Texas and Western Louisiana drivers are accustomed to seeing the deer crossing signs along the highway and the rural back roads. Driving these roads you'll often times look off to the side and see a fawn, a doe or buck and shout out 'Deer!' to the other passengers in the car and then everyone turns their head to say "Where!"
Deer, they're cute and all as long as they remain on the side of the road, but it's their unpredictability that's so scary about them.
Deer have a tendency to just dart across the road regardless of traffic and if you're one of the lucky one's, you'll just fly right by them as if nothing happened and be left with a scared stiff feeling. But if you're no so lucky, you could be severely injured, your car heavily damaged and most likely the deer will loose its life if it ends up in a collision with a vehicle.
According to a 2016 infographic from State Farm insurance, Texas and Louisiana are in the mid range when it comes to the likelihood of being in a collision with a deer. The insurance provider looked at several pieces of information and came up with the following odds:
- Texas drivers odd of a collision with a deer are 1 in 288
- Louisiana drivers odds of a collision with a deer are 1 in 300
- Arkansas drivers odds of a collision with a deer are 1 in 96
The state with the greatest odds of coming into contact with a deer, elk or moose this year are the drivers in West Virginia with the odds of 1 in 41 with Montana following close behind at 1 in 58. Looking at the infographic, the best odds of avoiding a collision with a deer is in Hawaii, with the odds of 1 in 18,995.
State Farm says deer collision claims spike in the months of November, October and December mainly due to mating season and offer several tips on making your drive safer, especially during deer season and here in Texas and Louisiana since we have a chance to become a statistic.
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