A woman recently posted an open letter on parentsconnect.com urging her childless friends to understand that she can no longer live the life of a fun, single, kidless gal.

Some of the offenses she named are listed after the jump --

  • • Friends demanding she go out drinking all night to the point where she's got a hangover when she's caring for her kids in the morning.
  • Friends who call to complain about how tired they are or how messy their house is when they haven't been all night with crying babies.
  • People who don't want to give her kids attention when they come to her house. The kids aren't pets. They require constant care and supervision.

Just Asking -- If you're a mom, what's the worst offense a friend has ever committed by not understanding your new role as a parent? Do you take time out to hang with friends anymore -- or are those days over?

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