A customer came into the Bullard Brookshire's on March 4 with her husband. She was obviously in need of immediate medical attention.

The woman asked for some allergy medication.

Pharmacist Elly Baker realized she needed more than Benedryl to counteract the customer's allergy.

According to the Tyler Morning Telegraph, Baker grabbed an EpiPen and administered the shot in the woman's thigh.

Soon after, the woman's swelling went down and breathing became normal.

Baker called 911, notified her doctor and documented the event.

House Bill 1550 was passed in January by the Texas legislature allowing pharmacists the ability to administer epinephrine auto-injector in an emergency. The bill also added liability protections for pharmacists who give the injection.

Baker said, “Anaphylaxis is such a time-sensitive thing. We don’t have urgent care out here in Bullard yet, so they would have had to drive all the way to Tyler or
Jacksonville, and that’s an extra 15 or 20 minutes.”

Baker has not had any further contact with the woman because she is not from the area.

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