East Texas Easter Eggs And Trains
Trains and Easter eggs are a couple of things that will peak kids interest about this time of the year! This weekend and next weekend (April 8th, 9th, 14th and 15th), the Texas State Railroad will host the 'Easter Egg Express' along their historic rails! This event will take you and your kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews and all other kids of all ages on a train ride departing from the Rusk Depot through the piney woods of Cherokee County for a half hour train ride to a secret place where kids can go on Easter Egg hunts, meet the Easter bunny and play other games and activities! There will also be hay rides too! After all the fun of hunting Easter eggs and having some fun in the meadow, you're kids will either be hyped up for the half hour ride back to the depot on the Texas State Railroad or they'll be passed out in the seat or your lap on the train ride back! Either way, you know you had some quality fun time with your kids and family.
Don't forget to have the kids bring along their Easter baskets to collect the eggs while on the hunt! Check out the Texas State Railroad website for ticket information and departure times.
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