Glass Rec Center to Offer GoJu-Ryu Karate Classes
In 2017, the Glass Rec Center will offer GoJu-Ryu karate classes. GoJu-Ryu was founded by Higaonna Kanyryo from Okinawan, Japan.
This type of Karate is designed to teach fundamentals and basic techniques of self-defense to children and adults. Students will develop new self-defense skills, learn the history of GoJu-Ryu karate, improve their self-image and, most importantly, have fun.
Classes will be held on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. for beginner and intermediate students. Advanced student classes will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Students ages four to adult are welcome. The cost is $30 per month or $10 per session.
For more information call 903-595-7271 or visit TylerParksandRec.com.
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