Here’s Why Target is Looking a Little Different These Days
Target is investing billions on this new project.
While some stores do the same things over and over again in the name of tradition, all while expecting the new results, Target is reinventing itself. In 2017, the popular store announced an ambitious remodel of all of their stores. For those keeping count at home, that's over 1,000 locations across the nation. The goal is to have all stores undergo a face lift by 2020.
As 2019 begins, Target is just about halfway done with their project as 400 locations have already been remodeled in the last two years.
The $7 billion investment focuses primarily on improving the appearance of various departments like grocery, apparel, electronics, and cosmetics. Each is expected to get some extra space as well. You also may notice two entrances to help with efficiency. One entrance will aim to aid those looking to get in and out quickly, in addition to designated online pickup parking spaces at the front of the store. The other entrance will be ideal for people who want to browse, or in other words, those who are open to impulse buys.
After just two years, the investment appears to be paying off as Target's fourth-quarter sales rose 5.3 percent. Target plans on remodeling 300 stores in 2019 with another 300 stores lines up for 2020. You can also expect a spiffier Starbucks storefront which has become a staple in many Targets across the nation.
I can already feel the money leaving my wallet...
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