Every year my Glammy rounds us all up and gives us the dates we need to request off for vacation. 10 of us make the trek to Rosemary Beach, Florida for a week of lounging on the beach and hanging out in a beautiful beach house.

Many of us that go to the beach go without our significant others. I didn't think this was odd up until several of my co-workers started to ask how my boyfriend felt about it and I kept getting questioned on why I would ever go on vacation without my partner. This is a trip I plan on taking even after I am married. Lori, who goes on the trip has a husband of 20 years and two kids, so she's my inspiration that I can make the trip several years from now.

Krystal Montez
Krystal Montez

After hearing "I feel bad for your boyfriend" several times I have to ask, is it really that bad that I enjoy a week-long vacation without him? We do several trips and vacations together throughout the year. Why is this such a bad thing according to all of my co-workers?

I get it, I am not earning a girlfriend of the year badge, but does this really make me that crappy of a girlfriend? According to sociologist and author of "Why Don't I Do the Things I Know Are Good for Me?" BJ Gallager "too much togetherness hurts any relationship,". Perhaps I am helping my relationship by vacationing without my boyfriend.

Have you ever gone on vacation without your significant other? Did it hurt or help your relationship?

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