It Is Illegal To Burn Outdoors In 8 East Texas Counties Right Now

The summer of 2022 has been off to an extremely hot and dry start. Temperatures for the first official week of summer have topped out at 100 degrees or right near it every day since June 21st. Thanks to a cool front that moved through East Texas, we will be seeing high temperatures that are more normal.
Temperatures in the mid-90s are more welcoming but rainfall is what would be even more welcomed. All of East Texas is appearing on the U.S. Drought Monitor chart as being abnormally dry, with the majority of the area being considered moderately dry. Because of those extremely dry conditions, more East Texas counties are enacting burn bans and severely restricting any outdoor burning.
One of the latest counties to enact a burn ban is Harrison County. The burn ban covers any outdoor burning and limits outdoor smoking to authorized areas and that your cigarette is completely extinguished and properly disposed of. The ban does not affect the sale or use of fireworks. However, fireworks are against the law in most municipalities and their use should be closely monitored and be prepared in case a fire does break out from their usage.
In Van Zandt County, where a burn ban is in effect through September 20th, county officials have gone into great detail explaining what is legal and not and what certain industries must do in order to continue to operate, especially the welding sector. (CBS 19) Residents needing to burn household garbage are permitted if special restrictions and conditions are followed.
Due to so many burn bans that are in effect right now, local firework shows are being affected. While some shows are being canceled, others are being placed on temporary hold until more favorable weather conditions exist in East Texas.
The following East Texas counties currently have some kind of burn ban in effect:
- Van Zandt County
- Henderson County
- Anderson County
- Cherokee County
- Upshur County
- Marion County
- Harrison County
- Panola County
Many other Deep East Texas counties are under burn bans too: Houston County, Angelina County, Trinity County, Polk County and Tyler County. Currently, there are 163 Texas counties under some kind of burn ban, while 91 are not according to the Texas A&M Forestry Service. If your county is not under a burn ban is it still recommended to closely monitor any outdoor burning as a fire can get out of control.
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