Mason Terry Wins Top Prize at UT Tyler Million Dollar Hole in One Event
Mason Terry didn't win a million dollars, but he did when a pretty sweet prize.
48 hitters qualified to participate in the 2018 UT Tyler Southside Bank Patriot Million Dollar Hole in One finals today at Hollytree Country Club. Due to inclement weather, hitting began early and at one point was paused. 31 Hitters were able to take their shot, before lightening caused the delay.
Hitting resumed and the leader board began to shuffle. At the end of play, Clay Dickeson finished in third place landing his golf ball 61 feet from the pin. Jason Moore was the second closest to the million dollar pin was Jason Moore at 23'8". Mason Terry landed his shot closest to the pin at 8' 10".
For his third place effort, Clay Dickeson will receive a golf bag courtesy of BMW of Tyler and for second place, Jason Moore picked up a round of golf for four at Hollytree Country Club.
Mason Terry picked up the top prize, six passes to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Alabama.