Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week January 14th
Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize outstanding East Texas teachers!
This week's recipient is Mrs. Rash of Gilmer Intermediate School in Gilmer.
Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize Mrs. Rash, a 5th grade science teacher at Gilmer Intermediate School in Gilmerl as the Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week. We thank one of her students for submitting Mrs. Rash to be recognized for what she's doing at Gilmer Intermediate. Here's what one of her students had to say about her:
Because she is so nice and pretty also she makes learning really fun and exiting. She has patience with us and does not get mad right away. Also she is always smiling and I have never seen a frown from her.
Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are honored to recognize Mrs. Rash as the Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week.
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