Save The Date – Texas Tax Free Weekend Is August 6th – 8th
We will soon be sitting in the carpool line dropping our kids off at school or getting them ready to board the bus with all their school supplies that are requested by their teachers. The first day of school for East Texas children varies, a lot of schools will start on either Monday, August 2nd, Wednesday, August 11th or Wednesday, August 18th.
Knowing the first day of school, we also know that we'll be purchasing quite a bit of school supplies, backpacks, clothing and shoes to get our kids through the year this year. To help ease the pain at the register when purchasing all those school supplies, the State of Texas offers a 'Tax Free Weekend' for back to school shopping. This year's tax free weekend is August 6th through 8th. During the annual sales tax holiday you can buy most clothing (including school uniforms and athletic apparel), footwear, backpacks (less than $100) and school supplies tax free from a store or online business within the state tax free.
There is a whole list of qualifying items along with exemptions on the Texas Comptroller website, including a list for:
- clothing - footwear - other items
- school supplies
- backpacks
The state sales tax rate is waived during this special weekend along with some local taxes, however, for those cities still charging local tax, you could still be paying some taxes, but they'll be low.
This yearly event has been happening sin 1999 in Texas and according to the Texas Comptroller's Office, Texas shoppers have saved over $107.3 million in sales tax. Good luck finding everything on your school supply list and the shoes in their size on Texas Tax Free Weekend August 6th - 8th.