As a kid growing up in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex in the '80s and '90s, I am a child of Six Flags Over Texas.

Having season passes, my parents would drop my brother and me off at the park in Arlington often to meet our friends there. We spent many hot summer days riding the rides over and over, playing the games, and of course eating the food.

As the years pass, Six Flags changes its attractions and ride lineup. The park has undergone many changes throughout the years, adding new rides and attractions while removing some fan favorites for various reasons.

Once your favorite ride or one you are familiar with is removed you don't realize how much you liked it and miss it until it's gone. Thanks to video, many of these older rides and attractions live on and can be viewed on YouTube so you can relive some great memories.

The other day while I was doom scrolling through Facebook I ran across this video that had been posted in a group called 'The History Of Six Flags Over Texas'.

The video was one that was restored from 'Chevy Show'. Yeah, remember 'Chevy Show'?

At the time it was in a yellow building (I believe) in the back of the park between 'The Cave' and 'The Oil Derrick Tower'. My friends and I would go into this building to watch this film to catch a break from the heat and sun because it was air-conditioned.

What was 'Chevy Show'?

You walked into a theater to sit on concrete benches to watch a movie that featured Chevrolet vehicles of course!

In this case, they were all late model Chevy's from the '70s! It also featured footage of roller coasters, underwater scenes, canyons, crop dusting, driving scenes, and more.

If you weren't careful or were really into the show you could lose your balance and fall off the bench that you were sitting on! The ending of the movie ALWAYS got me, no matter how many times I watched it that summer.

The Facebook user that posted the video says they discovered the 1979 'Chevy Show' movie and restored it and now you can watch it on YouTube, or even easier, see it now!

This is such a classic from the theme park giant. It takes me back to my middle and high school days with my friends just spending all day there and having a ton of fun.

Six Flags Over Texas is always changing. It was announced in late 2024 that the park would be removing two rides from the park's Spain section, La Vibora (The Bobsled), which created memories for nearly 40 years, and El Diablo. They are being removed to make way for a new 'dive' coaster that will be opening in 2026.

Thankfully there's a video to remind us of what used to be at Six Flags Over Texas as we look forward to more new and exciting rides and attractions to be added to the park's lineup.

Six Flags Over Texas Mourns The Loss Of Former Favorite Park Rides

Six Flags Over Texas wrapped up a huge celebration in August as it celebrated its 60th anniversary. During the 60 year history of Six Flags, there has been a handful of memorable rides, attractions and shows that have had to be retired and removed from the park for various different reasons. Here's a look back at them as they were displayed for the parks' 'Fright Fest' event.

Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1

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Gallery Credit: Robin via VVRBO

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