1/3 Of Arrests In Smith Co. Resulted In A Felony Charge Last Weekend

Law enforcement agencies throughout Smith County, Texas and East Texas continue to work to make sure our communities are a safe place to live. These men and women in blue are on constant patrol throughout our neighborhoods and on our city and county roads and highways looking for those that might be up to no good.
Unfortunately, there is a small segment of the population that is up to no good. Their actions may go unnoticed for a while and they will most likely get away with what they know is wrong for a while. However, once their suspicious behavior is discovered, they may soon come under the watchful eye of law enforcement and be surveilled and have every one of their moves tracked to get a bigger picture of what's happening and how many people could be involved in their small enterprise that they are trying to create.
While some may be under suspicion of doing something wrong, others will blatantly do something illegal or incorrectly in front of law enforcement and be pulled over in their vehicle or detained for questioning. It's usually at this time that if they have something illegal in their possession it comes out and they end up making a trip to the Smith County Jail with officers.
Officers may be called out to the scene for a disturbance of some kind to help restore peace and normalcy, but sometimes that is unavoidable and people end up going to jail.
While law enforcement does its best to not take people to jail, it's the person's actions and choices that make that a near-impossible action sometimes.
The following individuals were arrested and booked into the Smith County Jail and received at least one felony charge. These individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Some individuals have posted bail and are out of jail at this time while others wait for a bond hearing or court date. Some of the individuals below were detained by Smith County deputies and are being held on a US Marshal, Federal, or Immigration detainer. All information was obtained through an open records request and provided by the Smith County Sheriff's Office.
⅓ Of Smith Co. Arrests Resulted In A Felony Charge Last Weekend (August 11 - 13, 2023)
55 Felony Arrests During The First Week Of August In Gregg County (08.06.23)
27 Felony Arrests Were Made In Smith County During The Last Week Of July
56 Were Arrested On At Least One Felony Charge In Gregg County Last Week (July 7-12)
47 Felony Arrests Made July 4th Weekend In Smith County, Texas (June 30 - July 4, 2023)
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