Spring Community Rummage Sale In Tyler March 9
I'm not usually one to get up at the crack of dawn to sale-crawl through the morning garage sales. (Night owl.) However, on the occasions I have, I've been absolutely amazed at some of the incredible finds I've been able to pick up at estate, rummage, and garage sales. Usually, these are the offerings of one or two families. When you gather upwards of 35 vendors, you can imagine the trove of treasures waiting for you at such an event.
Whether you are a rummage sale pro or not, this is one you won't want to miss. The Tyler Parks and Recreation's annual 'Spring Community Rummage Sale,' is right around the corner--well, not literally. But, pretty close no matter where you are in East Texas. It's at the Glass Recreation Center in Tyler, Saturday, March 9, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.The event is open to the public and there is no admission fee.
So, whatcha lookin' for? Clothes or shoes for the kiddos? Maybe you want to score a sweet deal on furniture or home decor? One of my favorite things to seek and find are rare or interesting books. Toys, perhaps? All of these items and more will be available for your perusal.
If you'd like to be a vendor, registration is a mere $20 per booth. However, get in touch soon because space is limited. Call the Glass Recreation Center at 903-595-7271.
Happy Hunting. :)
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