
Presidential Turkey Pardon
Presidential Turkey Pardon
Presidential Turkey Pardon
There are 23 very fortunate turkeys in America that have been guaranteed they will never be eaten. Why, you ask? Because they have been pardoned by the President of the United States.
Trick Up Your Thanksgiving: Are these Recipes Crazy or Creative? [POLL]
Trick Up Your Thanksgiving: Are these Recipes Crazy or Creative? [POLL]
Trick Up Your Thanksgiving: Are these Recipes Crazy or Creative? [POLL]
As millions of families are sitting down to their traditional Thanksgiving feasts of oven baked or fried turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing, and multitudes of desserts. Some families will break with tradition to spice up this age old feast with such delicacies as Velveeta Cheesecake or bacon wrapped turkey and even more outlandish creations. Check out these wild meals!
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Where Did That Turkey Come From?
Texas doesn't have bragging rights in terms of the biggest turkey-producing states, but it does produce its share. Nine to ten million Texas turkeys are produced each year, and most of those come from Central and East-Central Texas, according to a map from Smithsonian Magazine. Which state is the biggest turkey producer? I'll give you the answer so you can impress your friends and family at the Th
Turkey: Smoked, Oven Roasted or Fried? [POLL]
Turkey: Smoked, Oven Roasted or Fried? [POLL]
Turkey: Smoked, Oven Roasted or Fried? [POLL]
With Thanksgiving coming up Thursday, the annual radio station Thanksgiving lunch with the staff and family is coming up tomorrow afternoon and of course the main dish at the luncheon will be turkey. But how that turkey gets prepared for us was up for a great debate!

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