Love is in the air as a Texas man found a clever way to propose to his girlfriend.

According to ABC 13, Jon Blaze and Thao Nguyen ride their bikes together regularly, so he wanted to make sure when he proposed it was going to be unique and special.

We ride together at least twice a week. We also lead multiple social rides in Houston.

Nguyen didn't suspect a thing when they went on their 15.7 mile route in Buffalo Bayou Park which ended up spelling "Marry Me."

Jon had this proposal planned on March 20th and started at Buffalo Bayou Park and once the ride was complete he dropped down on one knee and popped the question.

Nguyen was quite annoyed by all the twists and turns, but she was very excited at the end of the trail.

I went from being so annoyed by all the crazy turns we did to being completely shocked and with the biggest smile on my face.

With both of them Houston Texans fans they planned on being married by November and have a honeymoon in London as they see them take on the Jaguars.

Congrats to the happy couple as they both ride off into the sunset!



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