The Worthy Ones and Water at Bus Stops
You've probably seen the coolers around town at bus stops in Tyler, but have you ever wondered where they come from and why?
The heat is on in East Texas, and as the temperature is rising, those using public transportation are finding it hotter than ever. Nora Schreiber saw a need and sought to fill it. She continues to secure coolers, water and ice to keep water available for those in our city utilizing public transportation.
She beautifully tells the story of who inspired her and their circumstances in the video above. She founded a non-profit to care others, calling it The Worthy Ones. She aims to seek out and find needs unmet for community members that have gone unnoticed.
If you'd like to get involved, Nora and her team are always looking for volunteers. The summer is here, and the coolers will need to be refilled. You can help by visiting her site,
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