Mix 93-1 has one of the easiest jobs in the world waiting for you!  Simply listen to Mix 93-1 and you could end up on the Mix 93-1 Payroll!  Listening to Mix 93-1 on your radio, online or on your smartphone and you could earn an easy $100 paycheck!  Find out how to win after the jump.

To get on the Mix 93-1 Payroll click the like button on the Mix 93-1 Facebook page and check it weekdays after 9a by clicking the 'Mix 93-1 Payroll" link on the left side of the page under the Mix 93-1 logo.  There will be 3 songs listed, when you hear that song begin in the indicated hour be caller 10 on the Mix Studio Lines at 903.509.1000 or toll free 1.800.487.0931 to get win your $100 paycheck to get on the Mix 93-1 Payroll!


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