With Christmas just days away, many offices throughout East Texas will be or have held office Christmas parties. Usually these parties involve a catered meal, a speech about the highlights of the year, mixed in with some adult beverages and in some offices some sort of bonus is handed out. According to a recent survey of human resource executives more companies are handing out Christmas bonuses this year than in previous years.

The survey was published at BizJournal.com and stated when 100 human resource execs were interviewed in November and asked if they planned on handing out some kind of holiday bonus this year, 72% of them said they would be giving their employees some kind of bonus as a way of saying thank you for their work throughout the past year. This percentage is up from last year when only 53% said they would be handing out a bonus.

Most employees would agree and say that they just want to be recognized by the company for their contribution to the product or service they help put out each day. According to a placement firm, they say many employees are happy with a $25 gift card to a local restaurant or other business.

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