Kellie Rasberry Celebrates 25 Years On The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show
Kellie Rasberry celebrates a milestone on the morning show.
Hailing from Florence, South Carolina, Kellie Rasberry has been with The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show for 25 years and this morning she was honored in style! All morning long the show has been paying tribute to the voice that many East Texans have grown up to on morning radio. She has shared so much of her life on the show, been a part of countless bits and characters created by Kidd Kraddick and helped many listeners though some troubling times and great times.
Today the show looked back at some our favorite memories including The Mommy Test, Rhonda from Potluck, Texas, Bit Killer and more.
Congratulations on 25 of the best years Kellie! Thanks for entertaining us and we look forward to many more too!