Kidd Kraddick Morning Show Plays, ‘Go Find’
It's a fun little game that the morning show has been playing since they've been doing the show from home because of the pandemic.
Each week producer Nick gives the cast a task to go find a certain item in their house that he's looking for. They have the commercial break to locate that item and bring it back to present it on air - think of it as kind of a 'show and tell' kind of thing. This morning Nick asked the cast to 'Go Find...Something To Trash'.
This item could be anything in their home that they wanted to trash and destroy and get rid of that they haven't done yet. Well, here's a list of things the cast brought they they wanted to trash and destroy:
Part Time Justin - 'Don't Lose Your Cool' game hat
Big Al - tubular fluorescent light bulbs
Kellie - 'Le Tooter' hand held farting machine
J-Si - blue baby blazer
Ana - New Year's Eve decorations from 2020
In the following video the cast shows off these items along with why they want to destroy them. You've gotta watch and listen as J-Si puts on the baby blazer one final time and why he wants to trash it in the video below.