Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize outstanding East Texas teachers!

This week's recipient is Mr. Lockler of Pittsburg Intermediate in Pittsburg.

Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are proud to recognize Mr. Lockler, a 6th grade reading teacher at Pittsburg Intermediate School in Pittsburg. Mr. Lockler was nominated by one of his students who had this to say about him:

He is the best teacher anyone could ever have. He will cheer you up as soon as you step foot in his classroom. Even if your not upset he will still make your day. His class is the class that you look forward to attending. He is someone you can tell anything to. I had a problem with something and he helped me with it as soon as I told him. He does mentoring for everyone. Boys, all and he helps with girls mentoring. He is extremely loved by all! He is the best teacher EVER!!!

Mix 93-1 and Half Price Books are honored to recognize Mr. Lockler, of Pittsburg Intermediate in Pittsburg as the Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week.


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