Part Time Justin Becomes A Part Time Basketball Coach
Part Time Justin is always in search of a good part time job, that's how he got his name!
Before actually becoming full time on The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show, Justin was just a part time employee at which time he was working at several different part time jobs. Well that turned into a bit on the show along with the name of Part Time Justin being created. Justin would go get some kind of part time job and really end up screwing it up somehow and reporting back to the show on what happened.
It's been a while since he's held a part time job until he got this one as a basketball coach! Only this time he was followed by cameras to see how he really did on the job. At this job he taught dribbling and 'how to keep your head in the game'.
Watch the video below and listen to the audio bit to let us know if he did a good job or not. Let us know in the comment section below.