Pay Your Fines Or Risk Going To Jail
The City of Tyler Police Department will be working with other law enforcement agencies throughout the month of March in a statewide warrant sweep. This sweep will begin Saturday, March 1st and will unite local agencies as they make arrests and collect fines for outstanding warrants. You can beat the system though! The Tyler Municipal Court is giving offenders the chance to take care of any outstanding fines by extending their hours during this special event. The Tyler Municipal Court will be open 7a-5p Monday through Friday and Saturday from 8a-1p.
If you have an outstanding fine, this is your opportunity to take care of it and if you have a warrant out for your arrest, you're encouraged to call the court and make arrangements to pay the warrant before your impending arrest. There will be more than 250 different state agencies participating in this two week state wide warrant round-up.
If your fines or warrants are issued by the City of Tyler, you may stop by the court at 813 N. Broadway to pay your fine or call them t 903.531.1266 to make arrangements.
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