Prescription at Walgreen’s on 4th in Longview, TX? Get Ready for a Long Wait
Longview, Texas residents are perplexed at the sudden closing of this Walgreen's--particularly due to the vague reason as to why they've closed.
A few days ago, a Longview resident posted on a social media local group page that she'd not gotten word about her medication being ready at a Walgreen's location she's used for a while. She finally went up to the 4th Street location only to find out they'd closed via this paper sign.
The sign indicated that there had been a "store emergency at the Walgreen's on 4th Street in Longview, Texas.
She'd received no phone call or indication that the store had closed. And since another resident and member of the group page uploaded a photo of the sign indicating the store was closing, commenters began to speculate as to why this popular location had closed. And honestly, it is a bit vague.
Was it due to Covid-19? Was there another kind of emergency altogether?
One person commented that the reason they closed was that all of their pharmacists were sick and by law, they weren't allowed to fill prescriptions with a pharmacist on duty. However, we didn't see any official confirmation of that--though, it does seem a feasible reason.
Commenters also began to post alternatives to Walgreen's Pharmacy, with a particular emphasis on local options such as Louis Morgan Pharmacy, Medical Plaza, Spring Hill Pharmacy, and the Longview Drug on Gilmer Road.
Some Longview residents said they'd started wondering if there was an issue a few weeks prior when they noticed Walgreen's had posted new hours that were much narrower in the time span.
If, in fact, they've had to close their pharmacy due to all of their pharmacists being ill, certainly we wish them a speedy recovery.
Have you had any similar issues with other businesses in East Texas? Let us know in the comments so we can spread the word.