If you're staying in this Valentine's evening, you can still find ways to celebrate with someone you love--in addition to 'Netflix & Chill,' of course.
If you had to choose one characteristic that would be a 'must-have' in a potential romantic partner, what would it be? It's a harder question than you think!
If you're staying in this Valentine's evening, you can still find ways to celebrate with someone you love--in addition to 'Netflix & Chill,' of course.
Ladies, do you automatically expect the man to reach for the check or would you rather split the bill? Guys, does it offend you if she offers to help pay? So many questions!
Are you looking for love? Has the pandemic made you realize you weren't meant to be alone? According to Match.com, this Sunday is referred to as 'Dating Sunday' and is the biggest day for online dating of the year!
70% of Democrats that answered said that it would be an absolute deal-breaker if the person they were considering dating had voted (or planned to vote) for Donald Trump.