The 10 Commandments of Downtown Tyler Parking
Parking in Downtown Tyler is a challenge. Meters around the square, a garage that's confusing, and lots that are privately owned. Where's a person to park?
So we thought we could help by providing The 10 Commandments of Parking in Downtown Tyler. Here we go.
1. Thou shalt not park in a metered space for more than two hours, Monday through Friday 8 am - 5 pm.
2. Thou shalt park for free in a metered space if thou art a veteran or disabled with appropriate license plates or placards visibly displayed.
3. Thou shalt receive a boot on your vehicle if you fail to pay your parking ticket.
4. Thou shalt pay the meter with coins. Nickels, dimes and quarters are all acceptable forms of payment. The fee is $.50 per hour.
5. Thou shalt park in the parking garage for $5 all day long.
6. Thou shalt park for free in the parking garage after 7 pm on weekdays.
7. Thou shalt park for free in the parking garage all day Saturday and Sunday.
8. Thou shalt enter the parking garage from College Ave.
9. Honor thy parking spot. Please stay between the lines.
10. Thou shalt not covet another's parking space.
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