Tanya Sapula
Heejun Han Makes a Comeback on ‘American Idol’ With ‘A Song for You’
After being in the bottom ‘American Idol’ contestant, Heejan Han entered this week with his tail between his legs. While his charismatic personality and humor shone on stage, his vocals weren’t quite cutting it. Perhaps it was the harsh reality of barely surviving another week that got Han to take the competition seriously and hit us with a comeback.
Elise Testone Gives Us Reason to Show Her ‘A Whole Lotta Love’ on ‘American Idol’
When ‘American Idol’ hopeful Elise Testone walked into rehearsal and told mentors Stevie Nicks and Jimmy Iovine that she was planning to sing ‘Whole Lotta Love’ by English rock band Led Zeppelin, they looked slightly worried. However once Testone opened her mouth, the fear and skepticism immediately washed from their faces. Nicks even had the singer harmonize with her on one of her very own songs
Jessica Sanchez Gives Us ‘Sweet Dreams’ On ‘American Idol’
‘American Idol‘ contestant Jessica Sanchez is a diva in the making, so it was only appropriate that she serenade us in a Sasha Fierce fashion singing ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Beyonce Knowles. Sanchez coined Knowles as her idol stating “As a kid I used to try and do her moves, but I don’t anymore because I know I can’t do them!” We’d still like to see her give it the old college try.
Man Smuggles Suitcases Full Of Crocodiles On Bus
You’ve heard of the cinematic masterpiece ‘Snakes on a Plane’ , but what about ‘Crocs on a Bus’?
‘American Idol’ Contestant Hollie Cavanagh Proves She Is All the Idol We Need
When you see 17-year-old ‘American Idol‘ contestant Hollie Cavanagh, you would never imagine what happens when she opens her mouth and begins to sing. This little girl has one of the biggest voices in the competition, and she gave one of the most impressive performances of the night singing ‘All the Man I Need’ by Whitney Houston.
Deandre Brackensick ‘Masters’ Stevie Wonder On ‘American Idol’
When watching ‘American Idol‘ contestant Deandre Brackensick perform, it’s hard to believe he was a wildcard who easily could have not been a part of this competition. Before his performance Ryan Seacrest sat down with the singer and showed him some emotional footage from last week of Brackensick crying. We don’t t
Jermaine Jones Knocks Us Off Our Feet On ‘American Idol’
Now that we’ve got our Top 13, it’s time for the contestants on ‘American Idol’ to prove they deserve to be there. This couldn’t be truer for Jermaine Jones who was brought back by the judges last week, and battled it out as a wildcard for his spot.
10 Gorgeous Women that Got ‘Ugly’ For a Movie
Hollywood is a strange, strange place. While most of the time you’re rewarded for the glitz and glamor, sometimes packing on the pounds and the ugly can earn you an Academy Award, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, or even all three (We’re looking at you Charlize Theron
Shannon Magrane ‘Lights the World’ on ‘American Idol’
‘American Idol’ contestant Shannon Magrane may look like your average high school prom queen, but when the 16-year-old opens her mouth she has a voice that far transcends her teenage years. Singing ‘Go Light Your World’ by Kathy Troccoli, she remained strong and consistent from the first note until the very last.
Baylie Brown Does Not ‘Amaze’ On ‘American Idol’
When ‘American Idol’ contestant Baylie Brown came out looking like Miss America, we wanted her to then open her mouth and bestow upon us the brawn to go with the beauty. However, when she began her rendition of Lonestar’s ‘Amazed,’ we were anything but.
Jen Hirsh Wants to Be Your ‘One and Only’ On ‘American Idol’
While last night may have belonged to the men, tonight it was time for the ladies on ‘American Idol‘ to answer back — and Jen Hirsh did. While at first we were skeptical of the California babe with a Jersey Shore tan, she won us over with her song of choice: ‘One and Only’ by Adele. Hirsh started off strong and pulled off a performance that was almost flawless.