Back To School Shopping Tips For East Texans
This weekend you could potentially save a lot of money in taxes because this weekend is Texas State Sales Tax Holiday. As you head out thinking you could be saving a lot of money thanks to not paying taxes, you could end up buying quite a few things you wouldn't normally buy or not even need and exceed your family's budget.
Quite a few retailers throughout East Texas are offering specials on products, offering great deals and coupons and enticing shoppers with other giveaways. But when shopping this weekend you should stick to your budget to avoid going over and think about ways you can save money. Mechele Agbayani Mills, President of the Better Business Bureau Serving Central East Texas says, “You may not need to spend extra money on new supplies if all it takes is a good sharpening or tearing out a few used pages from the previous year.”
That's some good advice. Look around your house or look through the school supplies your child brought home from last year. There's no need to buy a new pair of scissors when the ones from last year still work and consider consolidating and reusing crayons, markers and notebooks from previous years. From what I've seen and heard, quite a few classrooms will consolidate all of the school supplies that are brought into the room and be used by the "community" (the whole class). Here, recycling doesn't hurt!
When you're out shopping this weekend know what is required for your child's class, that way you'll avoid over buying and not spending on items that will never be used. Set yourself a budget, look for the deals and get ready to save on the sales tax this weekend.
Mix 93-1 wants to help you save money on back to school too, enter to win the Back To School package as a Mix VIP. The Back To School package includes a $100 gift card to Walmart for supplies and $100 gift card to Academy Sports & Outdoors for uniforms, new kicks and more!