Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week April 9th
Mix 93-1 along with Half Price Books and Aspen Creek Grill are proud to recognize outstanding teachers from our East Texas classrooms!
This week's recipient is Lauren Fisher-Perry, a mental health adn parenting instructor at the University of Texas as Tyler.
Ms. Fisher-Perry was nominated by one of her students who wrote this about her:
There are almost no words grand enough to explain what Mrs. Perry means to me. I have known Mrs. Perry for almost two years now and she has been my professor twice here at the University. I have come to learn through her actions that I will always have someone who cares. I have had many professors here that come into the classroom teach and then leave. Mrs. Perry takes a true interest in not only who we are but our well being. I had some pretty severe things happen this past semester and I didn't have any family here that I could turn to, so I turned to Mrs. Perry. She talked me through things and explained that she would always be there, if I need to talk at three in the morning she'd be there. She watched me, talked to me and always made sure... that in her I found truth and protection. It's not just with me but with all her students she finds connection, she loves and cares for each and everyone of us. This simple fact is life is hard and she gives her students hope for a better future in our careers, faith that all things work out in the end, and confidence that we always have a confidant to lean upon when times become hard. She is simply the nicest most genuine person you will ever meet. Mrs. Perry deserves this recognition because she cares about her students and goes every extra mile to make our lives better and worth living."
Mix 93-1 along with Half Price Books and Aspen Creek Grill are proud to recognize Ms. Fisher-Perry for making such an impact on this student and are proud to name her the Mix 93-1 Teacher Of The Week.
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