The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show decided to raid the audio vault for Throwback Thursday and found the audio from eight years ago when the cast visited the Beer Bucket, Big Al's bar in Playa del Carmen.
With my alma mater in the news recently, I've found myself reflecting on my days at White Oak High School. Growing up in White Oak is an experience that I look back on with a grateful attitude.
This past weekend a co-worker here at the radio station attended an impromptu mini-class reunion where he and his friends relived some great memories from their time together in school.
I thought I remembered taking a photo of Lucky Larry, the one and only time I remember him venturing to my small hometown of White Oak, and last night I found it.
I logged in countless hours at the lake during the summers of my childhood, and some of my favorite memories are of family gatherings at our lake house and on the water.